This past Sunday, the Campion students wore glittering gowns, sharp suits, and unique masks for the annual SA banquet held at the Brighton Adventist Church fellowship hall. The students had the opportunity to be escorted by their dates to the masquerade ball-themed event where they enjoyed dinner, entertainment, and photos.
Live piano music by Pastor Leandro Bizama set the ambiance to start the evening. After that, Mabel Cabandon and Janelle Anggormas performed the song, “Too Good to Say Goodbye” by Bruno Mars. Anggormas, freshman, elaborated, “I was nervous at first for my performance but after I felt like I did well and was glad I did it. With this being my first banquet I had fun. It was a good opportunity for me to get to know my date better.” The couples dating game was a highlight of the activities provided. Three different couples were brought up in front and they each had to take off their shoes. Then Carlos Santana, chaplain, would ask questions such as “Who’s the most likely to _?” and they would have to guess by raising the shoe of the person who best fit the description. It was entertaining for Ekenna Nwankwo, Senior SA president, who expressed, “My favorite part of the night was the couples game. It was funny because you were surprised by some of the answers. You got to see everyone’s differences and the roles they played in their relationships.” The students got a variety of food throughout the night. They started with fresh-baked bread and following was squash soup. Beforehand they got to choose their main course with the options being: mediterranean vegetable quiche, spinach stripple quiche, and lentil pot pie. Lastly, they ended the night with their choice of dessert: Mille-feuille, apple compote crepe, or chocolate mousse. Jack Jordan, junior and SA Activities Director, elaborated, “The night was fun and I really enjoyed the food. I got to try the lentil pot pie and the chocolate mousse which I was excited about.” Throughout the night, the students voted for the best duo, best mask, best dressed girl, and best dressed boy. The winners were announced at the end; Shawn Fergurson and Olivia Arizola got best duo, Anya Francis won both best dressed girl and best mask, and Aaron Oster got best dressed boy. Afterwards, the students had some free time to hangout with friends and take pictures in front of the booths that were decorated with vines and lights. Catie Fairfield, Student News Team
The Campion Students Celebrate the Fall Season with the Annual Student Association Fall Party11/1/2023 The Campion students enjoyed the annual Students Association (SA) Fall party, playing games, eating treats, and spending time with friends last Saturday night in the Campion gymnasium.
The SA officers planned carnival-style games for the students to play like ring toss, jumbo jenga, miniature bowling and darts. Something new this year was that students received raffle tickets for each game they won. At the end, there was a drawing for a variety of gift cards. The chance to win really got students to engage in the activities. “My favorite part of the party was the games. I had fun winning tickets with my friends, and it was nice to see everyone playing together and talking to each other,” shared Jovanna Maldonado, senior. There were a variety of snacks, from cotton candy to pumpkin pie. Jillian Frans, junior, shared “ I loved that there was cotton candy. My friends and I had a cotton candy eating contest. It was so fun.” The SA officers originally planned to go off campus for the party, but due to the weather they had to change their plans. “Even though we were disappointed that our plan didn’t go the way we thought it would, we were able to make the best of it and make it enjoyable for everyone,” expressed Chrishella Kalawao, SA officer. To announce the theme of the annual Banquet, the SA officers performed a skit that was an interpretation of Cinderella. At the end of the performance, they shared that this year's banquet, on December 3, will be a masquerade. Vashty Segovia Santos Each class came up with a creative way to reveal their class officers during assembly on Wednesday.
Freshmen Scramble and SA PicnicSophomores Scramble and SA PicnicJuniors Scramble and SA PicnicSenior Scramble and SA PicnicCampion Academy students showed off their class spirit at the annual Class Scramble and SA Picnic last weekend, creating a fun start to the school year.
The students were separated into their classes and participated in challenges that required team work. At Class Scramble, the seniors won by a tiny margin over the sophomores, making the event more exciting. “It was awesome to finally win it this year, even if it was only by 5 points,” remembered Ekenna Nwankwo, senior, “Those sophomores really gave us a run for our money”. Marc Winokan, sophomore, expressed, “Class Scramble was very fun. Our class was really organized and showed great class spirit. We were so close to beating the seniors, but either way it was still really fun.” The junior class came in third place, but the freshmen weren’t far behind them. A new freshmen student, Abigail Brown, commented, “I felt very intimidated doing class scramble at first. Our class didn’t have as many items, and we didn’t know what we were doing, but as the game went on we started getting the hang of it and doing somewhat well, leading the juniors for a little bit. In the end we lost, but it was fun working together with my class and getting to know them more and building class spirit.” On Sunday, students again divided into their class groups for more competitions at the SA Picnic. The first activity was tug-of-war, and in a surprising turn of events, the sophomores beat the seniors. “Winning tug-of-war was very exciting! Our class was ready to give it our all and our motivation to win drove us to victory,” explained Lillian Resz; “it was so much fun to experience winning against the upperclassmen”. The final event was the traditional bus push, where students had to join together as a class to push one of the school buses up the Campion Academy drive. Toby Quillin, junior, expressed “The bus push was a great way to get closer to our class, some people pushed the bus up the hill while the others cheered on, and eventually, through lots of pain, we won!” Finally, the students had time in the afternoon to enjoy relaxing on center campus and cooling off on a slip-n-slide. All these competitions had two common goals: to help students grow closer with their classmates and to create fun memories for the beginning of the school year. Julia Santiago, Student News Team Campion Academy rang in the new school year on Sunday, August 13, welcoming 122 students at the annual Handshake event.
The Student Association officers played a scale on the handbells to introduce themselves and the theme of the year: Harmony with Him, Harmony Within. Following, Student Association Spiritual Vice-President Samuel Walton shared a worship thought explaining how he focused on improving his relationship with God this summer while working Youth Rush, and he was able to have better harmony in other aspects of his life. Eva Resz, senior, reflected, “The worship thought gave me perspective on the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ; if we cannot have harmony in our own lives how can we have harmony with others? The testimony Sam shared gave me that extra motivation I needed to start this school year!” Students were divided into their class groups for a few competitions to break the ice. The sophomores and seniors dominated the games while the juniors took more time to work together as the school’s largest class of 43 students. “One game that stood out to me was doing the human knot,” explained Catie Fairfield, senior; “I remember the intensity and pressure to finish first. It was a good bonding moment because we had to use teamwork, patience, and communication to untangle ourselves.” Sticking with tradition, the staff and students formed a huge line to shake each person’s hand, welcoming each other back to Campion. A new junior from Brighton Adventist Academy, Vashty Segovia expressed, “Seeing everyone being so welcoming and open with me helped ease my nerves about leaving my family and coming to Campion for the first time.” To conclude Chaplain Carlos Santana offered a prayer of dedication for the school year where staff and students prayed over each other. Decked in seasonal flannels, students let loose on the stage singing karaoke at the annual SA Fall Party on Saturday night. Campion's bus barn was transformed with hay bales, purple lights, and a flat bed truck for a stage. Students celebrated the season with pumpkin pie, apple cider, and games.
Nine Campion Academy student leaders trained with others from across the Mid-America Union during Leadership Experience at Union College last week.
A highlight of the workshop was the chance to get to know student leaders from other schools. “I really enjoyed being able to see all the other schools and know that we are all on a similar journey of being a leader,” reflected Ariel Patterson, junior and Resident Assistant at Campion. The event kicked off with an emphasis on service, with the leaders working in community projects around Lincoln for Union College’s Project Impact day. Over the course of four days, the students participated in leadership simulation activities and listened to advice from experienced leaders, including the Union College SA officers. Melody Mambo, senior and SA President expressed, “The thing I enjoyed most about the retreat was that we were able to understand our different strengths and weaknesses as leaders. We were able to show our abilities in activities provided by Union, and it was interesting to see how different people from each group stepped up to show their leadership qualities.” Patterson further explained, “The weekend was full of really fun activities and challenges, and I was able to learn some valuable lessons for leadership in just a couple of days!” Jill Harlow, Communication Director Campion closed up the second week of school with games and competitions at the annual SA Picnic to bring students closer to their classmates and provide fun moments.
In the same spirit of Class Scramble, the classes competed wearing their respective colors in activities such as tug-of-war, water-sponge relay, ball relay, and the traditional bus-push. While the seniors took first place In tug-of-war, the freshmen class surprised everyone by beating out the junior class. Cindy Santana, Campion teacher, emphasized, “The freshmen have come off as a strong class this year. They did well in Scramble and they also showed that on the SA picnic, so I think in the future they are going to be a class to contend with.” The junior class had their redemption by winning the bus-push. However, in another unusual turn of events, members from all the classes came together to help and cheer on the freshman class as they struggled to get the bus up the hill. The mix of classes uniting behind the bus showed what the competitions were really about: sportsmanship and school spirit. Freshman Lilian Resz exclaimed, “I was definitely surprised when the seniors, juniors, and sophomores helped us because I thought it was just going to be us and they would boo us if we couldn’t get to the end. But this attitude gave me a lot more confidence in this school in general when it comes to teamwork, and it made me feel better even though the bus push was something very hard.” Besides the usual games, there were brand-new ones like the ball relay, that became favorites amongst students. Ekenna Nwankwo commented “The whole thing was really fun, I enjoyed it and I liked the new relay race with the ball. I had a lot of fun, and I think SA did a good job planning it all.” Overall, the seniors once again finished the day with the most points. After the competitions, students hung out on center campus, getting wet in a friendly game of slip ‘n slide kickball, or just enjoying talking and laughing with friends. Senior Brayan Martins said, “In four years I had never tried the slip ‘n slide, but this year, seeing all of my friends trying and having fun. I felt an urge to be a part of all that. It was great and I felt very excited to cherish these moments as a senior. ” Ana Segawa, Student News Team Seniors won Campion Academy’s annual class competition, Scramble, with a lead of over 200 points. After coming in second place the past two years, the class of 2023 was determined to win this year. Daniel Moraes, senior, commented,”Class scramble was amazing and fun, honestly at the beginning I thought we were going to lose but we started picking up the rhythm and ended up winning. I was really excited and glad that we won our last year.” The seniors kicked off the Saturday night event with Principal Don Reeder warning everyone to beware of their surroundings. Then, the lights went out, dubstep music blared, and the seniors jumped out from their hiding places, running and yelling around the gym. Cecilia Simmons, new staff member and SA sponsor, exclaimed, “Oh. My. Goodness. I have been to many a junk scramble in my career, but that was intense. I even got chills when the seniors made their entrance. My adrenaline was so high after the night, I didn’t want to sleep. Clearly I had too much fun. What a night and congratulations to the seniors.” Each class got dressed in their class colors and competed against each other in the gym, after two years of having it outside. Reeder called out items from a snowboard to a chocolate kiss ribbon that students raced to the center. Students participated in the traditional drills of dead cow, man overboard and air raid. Campion’s Student Association (SA) also added new games such as “cups” and “the floor is lava” to the excitement. Even for the classes that didn’t come in first place, the night was an opportunity to build class spirit and excitement for the school year. Lillian Resz, freshman, reflected, ”Class scramble was super fun, and it was a perfect opportunity to get close with everyone in our class.” Blet Htoo, Students News Team Senior Scramble Photos Junior Scramble PhotosSophomore Scramble Photos Freshmen Scramble Photos |
February 2025
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